Our Top Pick for Vlogging Lens: Sigma 16mm F/1.4

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Why we picked it: Generally, I prefer zoom lenses, but for vlogging we usually want to be pretty close to the camera so it feels more personal. 

For us, the 16mm focal length on a crop sensor camera is perfect.  Plus, it’s crazy fast so we can slightly blur out the bookshelf behind our desk in our Youtube videos.  We use this lens in 90% of our Youtube videos now.

Compared to the competition: Before we started using this lens, we were using the Sony 18-105.  We still use that lens for some outside shots where we need a longer focal length, but it’s rare.  It wasn’t fast enough for what we wanted.  Sony also makes a 16, but it is way more expensive for arguably no better quality.

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Aaron Day

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